Member Since 2016

Derrell Bradford is executive vice president of 50CAN, a national nonprofit that advocates for equal opportunity in K–12 education, and senior visiting fellow at the Thomas B. Fordham Institute.

Published Articles & Media

The president of United Teachers Los Angeles, Alex Caputo-Pearl, center, joins unionized teachers at a rally in the city in 2018.

A Rolling National Teacher Strike Is Why Schools Are Closed

Context isn’t just coronavirus, but years of union activism and potential for tens of billions in federal funds from Biden.

Strengthening the Roots of the Charter-School Movement

How the mom-and-pops can help the sector diversify and grow

The NAACP’s Duplicitous Engagement of Black Families on Charter Schools is a Betrayal

I allowed myself to believe that the NAACP might have gotten the message from all these black moms and dads and kids enrolled—or yearning to be enrolled—in charter schools across America…not to mention the black advocates and the black charter educators out there.

The Politics & Partisanship of America’s Education Reform Debate: A Growing Blue-Red Divide

If your partisan values are more important to you than your education reform values, perhaps you should ask yourself if you are in the right place, at the right time, doing the thing that is best for you and your beliefs.

The Politics & Partisanship of America’s Education Reform Debate: Time for a Suburban Strategy?

When a politician reviews your proposal, he or she is asking a fundamental and self-interested question: Does this get me more friends or make me more enemies?

The Politics & Partisanship of the Education Reform Debate: Why Being ‘Right’ Isn’t Enough

While "we" felt the system needed to be upended in a variety of ways, lots of folks didn’t.

Charter School Advocates Should Think Twice Before Trashing Vouchers

What’s at stake is not the future of chartering but the future of choice.

How Obama’s K–12 Schooling Drove His Education Policy — And May Also Shape His Retirement

Obama was profoundly shaped by the opportunity to attend a top-flight independent school instead of what was almost surely an underperforming district school in Hawaii.

Why I Hope Betsy DeVos Boosts School Vouchers

No child should have to wait for a school to get better when there are other opportunities available.

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